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*Only 1-month deposit and 1-month storage fee required at move-in Terms and conditions apply. All rights to final pricing decisions reserved

Mini Storage – 5 Tips for Choosing Your Ideal Storage in Hong Kong

Already a necessity for most people in Hong Kong, mini storage facilities can vary greatly in service, quality, safety and management standards. 5 key aspects to look out for when choosing your ideal mini storage:

1. Mini Storage Safety – “Is it legally compliant?”

Hong Kong mini storage facilities are subject to the latest fire safety regulations. Renting non-compliant mini storage not only increases the risk of fire, but also affects insurance coverage. The relevant mini storage may be ordered to rectify or even close down by the government at any time, leaving customers with no place to store their belongings.

2. Mini Storage Pricing – “UFA or GFA?”

Mini storage is typically charged based on the usable floor area (“UFA”). However, some storage providers may list prices based on the gross floor area (“GFA”), with the actual UFA sometimes being less than 70% of the GFA. It is important to clarify the pricing basis early on and, if possible, measure the actual site to confirm the usable area.

3. Mini Storage Accessibility – “Customer parking available?”

The proximity of the mini storage facility to MTR stations and transportation hubs is important. Dedicated customer parking is also essential for both move-in and future visits. It is important to check with the building management on parking provisions, and it is even better to inspect the carpark itself.

4. Mini Storage Facility Management – “Are security and management up to international standards?”

Check whether the mini storage facility is well-built and well-lit, with climate control, a reputable security system, and preferably endorsed by an international organization such as the Self Storage Association Asia (“SSAA”).

5. Mini Storage Terms and Conditions of Use – “Any access and storage restrictions?”

The terms and conditions of use can vary greatly between different mini storage providers. It is important to read the fine print on restrictions on permitted items, storage (and building) access hours, as well as contract renewal terms.